Masters in Drawing, 2018
National Art School, Sydney
Perceptions of Safety: An exploration of the Uncanny, is the title of my Masters body of work. As a general overview, the project explores spaces of safety combined with unnerving elements that produce the uncanny. Through interactions with places of vulnerability, specifically beds and bedrooms, it reflects on the ways one retreats to soft and comforting spaces.
Through a multidisciplinary practice, ideas such as the body’s interaction with these soft spaces and the nostalgia that appears from this retreat to childhood play, including the more sinister forms one has imagined in the darkness, are explored through a wide range of methods and approaches. The body of work retains a sense of cohesion through its limited colour palette and the atmospheric and visual qualities of early cinema.
Drawings and preparatory installation components:

Major installation work:
A Room of One’s Own, 2018,
Bedding, muslin, found furniture, curtain rods, roses,
216 x 216 x 216cm